This is an interesting passage about life and I find it pretty interesting.
============================== どんなに白い白も、ほんとうの白であったためしはない。一点の翳もない白の中に、目に見えぬ微小な黒がかくれていて、それは常に白の構造そのものである。白は黒を敵視せぬどころか、むしろ白は白ゆえに黒を生み、黒をはぐくむと理解される。存在のその瞬間から白はすでに黒へと生き始めているのだ。 だが黒への長い過程に、どれだけの灰の階調を経過するとしても、白は全い黒に化するその瞬間まで白であることをやめはしない。たとえ白の属性とは考えられていないもの、たとえば影、たとえば鈍さ、たとえば光の吸収等によって冒されているとしても、白は灰の影で輝いている。 白の死ぬ時は一瞬だ。その一瞬に白は跡形もなく霧消し、全い黒が立ち現れる。だが---- どんなに黒い黒も、ほんとうの黒であったためしはない。一点の輝きもない黒の中に目に見えぬ微小な白は遺伝子のようにかくれていて、それは常に黒の構造そのものである。存在のその瞬間から黒はすでに白へと生き始めている…… 谷川俊太郎「灰についての私見」(詩集『定義』) |
(My bad translation) Things started off to be white in colour. However, no matter how pure that colour would be, it will still contain small particles of impure(black). Gradually, these particles will grow bigger and bigger and sooner or later, patches of black will ought to appear. Throughout this process, grey colour will be formed and from this moment onwards the colour will gradually darken and it will be impossible to revert back to the same old white colour again. As time goes by, when all the white colour disappear, you will be end up with a pure black colour. However, pure black doesn't exist too. It will also contain small particles of white, and white colour will be formed eventually. And the cycle will go on and on forever... ============================== |
After giving the passage up there some thought, the same theory can be applied into our daily life. The environment, trust, love, etc... Everything in this world works the exact same way as the content of the poem. For example, we started off with a clean and healthy environment. After a few years time, the air gets more and more polluted and there's no solution to the problem. Gradually, the air will get too polluted that... Looking from a different perspective, in order to prevent the 'impure' from accumulating, I think that sometimes we should really put ourself in other's shoes. Actions speak better than words. Sometimes by doing/by not doing something, you have unintentionally have made one unhappy/disappointed. In other words, stop making empty promises. However, if you have break your promise, try to find ways to amend it before the 'impure' take over the 'pure' colour. To some extent, it might be a small minor issue to you but it's always those small minor stuff that gets accumulated and burst at one go. :D |