Saturday, November 17, 2012

This isn't a pornography - 'Thermae Romae'

If an individual has been watching the same genre/type of movie continuously, it tends to become pretty boring pretty soon. Therefore, from time to time, I will try to watch various types of movie.

The above shows a picture of the movie 'Thermae Romae',
which is based on the infamous Japanese Comics.

Regarding the movie
A bathroom designer from the ancient Rome
has dropped into a whirlpool of time and
he has ended up in the modern Japan. He
managed to incorporated the designs that
he has seen in the modern Japan into the
ancient Rome. And at the same time protect
the ancient Rome?

My Opinion
Through the movie, one gets to learn about
the culture of the Japanese bathroom, the
things that they eat, etc... which makes
it pretty interesting, especially when the
script writers can blend the bathroom idea
into the movie in a pretty interesting way.

(By the way, the oldest public bath house isn't from
Japan. It seems that the earliest public bath house
was built and found in Europe.)

* Click here to find out more about the movie 'Thermae Romae'. (Japanese website)

Monday, November 12, 2012

Double Face

Do you have an interest for Hong Kong Movies? Which is your favourite Police Action Movie during the period 2000 to 2010?

As for myself, my favourite Police Action Movie during that
period of time will ought to be 'Infernal Affairs'.
Throughout the whole movie, there's lots of tensions and when you
topped it with the good acting skills by the cast, it has definitely
made it into one of the 'must watch'/favourite movie on my list.

In fact, the original movie was so good that it has managed to catch
the attention of 'Hollywood'. The 'Hollywood' movie 'The Departed' was
based on the story of 'Infernal Affairs'. Despite of the amount of
infamous actors that were involved in the movie, I don't find it
better than the original movie. (In fact I find the ending of
'The Departed' kind of silly, which once again proven that 'Hollywood'
aren't capable in making good replicates of the original movie.)

In fact, Japan TBS TV and WOWOW have collaborate with each other
and they have created this TV Special known as 'Double Face', which
is based on the original story of 'Infernal Affairs'.
The story are pretty much the same, but additional factors have been
added into the story to make it even much more interesting. Besides
for the tensions that you will be getting, the ending of the movie
was pretty interesting too. In fact, I find it as good as the
original movie. (Though I still prefer the original movie. :P)

* Click here to find out more about the Japan TBS TV Special 'Double Face'.
  (Japanese website)
^ Click here to find out more about the Japan WOWOW TV Special 'Double Face'.
  (Japanese website)