Monday, April 22, 2013

Zhī Yīn(知音)

We might be spending over entire life looking for a '知音'. So what's a '知音'? And why is he/she important to us?

In our entire life, we might get to know/meet a lot of people. Regardless how long or short your friendship might be, what are the chances that he/she will be the special one that might ended up to be your '知音'?

So what's a '知音'?

Basically, '知音' is that special someone who understand you pretty well. He/she might might not be blood-related to you but he's the one that can provide you emotional support. For example: if you are stuck in a difficult situation, he's the one that can provide you all the help that you need and he will also be the one that will give you a helping hand when you need it the most. In other words, he's the one that can help you to fill up the missing piece of puzzle inside you. On the other end, he's the same individual that you can share all you laughter, all your worries and all your troubles. Therefore, although life is short, but with the help of a '知音' or two, it will definitely make it much more comfortable and better. :P However, a '知音' is pretty hard to come by but if you have managed to meet such a person, do cherish him.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Singapore: Buddha Tooth Relic Temple and Museum(新加坡佛牙寺龍華院)

Being a Singaporean Chinese, chances where you will step inside a temple and pray are pretty high. Although I'm not the super religious guy but all the Chinese myth and legend have played a pretty role in my life. And at the same time, through those stories, you can really learn quite a lot too. For example, retribution. :P

Located in the outskirts of 'Chinatown' Singapore,
would be the 'Buddha Tooth Relic Temple and Museum'.

As I step into the main hall the X number of times, it's like 'Whaoooo'. The view in
here is majestic. All the shinning looking Buddha statues that was situated around the
main hall was simply breath taking. And seriously, with the number of statues placed
inside this hall, I wonder how much time and effort was needed in maintaining/polishing
all of them. By the way the name of this main hall is also known as 'Hundred Dragons
Hall'(百龙宝殿). I wonder why did they named it 'Hundred Dragons Hall', when there is
actually more than a hundred Buddha statues than dragons.
As you walk pass the main hall, you will come across the 'Universal
Wisdom Hall'(圆通殿). There's an interesting point about this hall. Pretty much to
the western countries, the Chinese have their own set of Zodiacs too. However
rather than mapping the zodiac against the month that you are born in, the Chinese
Zodiac is map against the year you are born in. As for myself, I was born in the
year of the Rat. So what's so special about that? It is believed that behind every
Chinese Zodiac, there will be a Buddha watching over you. The Buddha that is
watching over those that are born in the year of the Rat would be 'Avalokitesvara
Bodhisattva'(千手千眼观世音菩萨). It was believed that this Buddha has a thousand hands
and there's an eye on each palm. Pretty Cool huh. Therefore, if you are interested,
you can make a trip down here to find out which Chinese Zodiac belongs to you and
which Buddha will be watching over you. :)
By the way, as I was making my way towards the
rear entrance of the temple, I saw this cool looking stone statue of 2 dragons.
This is one of the moments that I seriously hope that I was much more taller so
that I can have a better view of the dragons. (By the way, I think that the
Chinese dragons look much more better and cooler than the Western dragons. :P)

As for the other levels in the temple, there's a few storeys that is used for
displaying the impressive collection of Buddhist artefacts. There's also a small
library and a culture shop. I thought that the main hall was already grand enough.
However the 4th level of the structure has proven me wrong. The display on this level
were far more spectacular than the main hall. All the striking gold stuff were simply
too magnificent. Although you can only take photos on the 1st level and the rooftop,
but I think that it's a must for you to visit the 4th level even if you are running
out of time.

As for the rooftop, the most interesting over here would be the
'Vairocana Buddha Prayer Wheel'(毗卢遮那大光明经咒转经轮藏). The contents of a
scripture will be imprint on the gigantic wheel and you just need to spin the wheel
slowly in order to read through the contents of the scripture. An innovative and smart
move from our great ancestors. (However, rather than reading the contents of the prayer
wheel, it ended up being a humongous toy for the kids. :P)

  • Opening Hours:
    7am - 7pm Daily
* Click here to find out more about 'Buddha Tooth Relic Temple and Museum'
^ Click here for the location of 'Buddha Tooth Relic Temple and Museum'
  (新加坡佛牙寺龍華院)on Google Maps.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Story of the 3 farmers

In the countryside, there's a guy with a very big piece of land. He wanted to grow watermelon in this piece of land. Therefore, he has decided to employ 3 farmers to take care of the land. Farmer no. 1 will be watering the plantation. Farmer no.2 will be getting rid of all the pests. Farmer no.3 will be fertilizing the plantation. At the end of the first year, 100 watermelons were produced. And a big fat bonus was shared among the 3 farmers. However on the second year, as one of the farmers has become a little bit lazy, therefore the number of watermelons produced have halved. And a small bonus was shared among the 3 farmers. Therefore, for the third year, what should the farmers be doing?

  1. do nothing.
  2. cover all the workload of the lazy farmer.
  3. should become lazy too.
  4. talk to the lazy farmer.
  5. tell the owner to find another farmer to replace the lazy farmer.
  6. others?
As for the owner, what should he do?
  1. do nothing.
  2. find another farmer to replace the lazy farmer, but which 1?
  3. others?
As for you, if you are the farmer/ the owner, what are you going to do?
(Throughout our life, you will come across with situations like this once in a while.
However, how do you handle it and what are the actions that you end up doing?)